Clinics in Gawler

Better2Know takes the worry out of STI testing. We make it east, fast, and discreet. Most people who have an STI will not have any symptoms. The only way to know if you have an STI, and to stop any long-term damage to your health and fertility, is to get tested. Our screens and tests are designed and regularly reviewed, by medical specialists ensuring you get the tests most appropriate to your particular circumstances.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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STI and HIV Testing in Gawler
Better2Know’s private sexual health facilities in Gawler are staffed by trained phlebotomists. Better2Know's discreet advisors will endeavour to make your journey with us, simple, swift and efficient. We can arrange appointments on the same day that you contact us, with appointment availability six days a week. Better2Know understands the distress sexual health concerns can cause, so our expert medical advisors are on hand 24/7 to help you through your testing process. Our outstanding Patient Services team are experienced in giving further assistance, whether it is arranging doctor consultations or referring you to specialist services. It is important to maintain your sexual health by testing as regularly as possible.
Gawler 24 hour sexual health hotline
To book an appointment in Gawler with Better2Know today, or if you have additional queries, please call our expert Patient Services team on the number displayed at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can book online at any time using the Book Now button above.