Clinics in Shepparton

You will be tested by a qualified phlebotomist who will collect your blood and/or urine samples and send them to our central, Australian laboratory for analysis. Results are ready within one to five working days of your sample’s arrival at our laboratory, depending on the test or screen you choose. To access these results online, log in to the secure patient area of our website at a time that is convenient for you. If you would like, a trained sexual health advisor will also contact you personally when all your results are available.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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STI and HIV Testing in Shepparton
Better2Know are international experts in sexual health. At our private STI testing clinics in and near Shepparton, you can receive discreet testing for a selection of common infections, including:
Herpes I/II
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Zika Virus
Each STI can be tested for individually or combined with others as part of a Better2Know screen. Our comprehensive range of sexual health screens are designed and reviewed regularly by our panel of Australian and International medical specialists.
What is the difference between an STI and an STD?
An STI is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, and STD is a Sexually Transmitted Disease. The two three-letter words mean the same thing. STI is becoming more widespread as many people would choose to have an infection over a disease.
24-hour sexual health hotline
To make a discreet booking in Shepparton today, call our experienced Patient Services team. A dedicated member of staff will process your appointment and answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, you can book your test or screen online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by clicking on Get Started.