Clinics in Waverley

Better2Know offers a convenient clinic map to simplify the process of finding an STI clinic in Waverly. With a simple search, you can easily locate the clinic that best suits your needs.
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STI testing and STI screening in Waverly
To prioritize your health, it is important to opt for the best STI screening available.
If you live in Waverly or the surrounding areas and wish to obtain a comprehensive assessment of your sexual health, Better2Know offers the Platinum STI Screen. This comprehensive 10-test screen detects all major sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV I and II (with p24 antigen), Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes Simplex I and II, Mycoplasma, and Trichomonas.
Our Platinum STI Screen is an excellent choice for individuals who are currently sexually active, considering starting a new relationship, or prioritizing their sexual health. It provides a comprehensive assessment of your current sexual health status, offering you the assurance of having all the necessary information on your sexual health.
If you require more specific testing, Better2Know offers a wide variety of individual STI tests. These tests encompass a range of infections, including HIV, Gonorrhoea, and Chlamydia. Our clinics deliver prompt and accurate results to provide you with the peace of mind you need.
Results for your Waverly STI tests are available when you need them
When you schedule an STI test at Better2Know’s Waverly sexual health clinic, we will set up a secure Patient Area exclusively for you. In this dedicated space, you will be able to conveniently access your booking details, test results, find comprehensive information about STDs, and enjoy exclusive discounts on future STI tests. Moreover, our Patient Area provides an anonymous Partner Notification System, allowing you the option to anonymously notify your partner of your diagnosis if your test results are positive. You have full control over whether your name is disclosed to the recipient or not.
Speak to a Better2Know doctor
Our utmost priority is to provide patients with the highest quality of care in every possible way. We understand that undergoing an STI test can be a stressful experience, and we want to assure you that you don't have to go through it alone.
If your STI test results come back positive, your Better2Know doctor will assist you in accessing the necessary treatment and medication to effectively manage the infection. Furthermore, should you require specialized medical care, we can offer referrals to experts in the appropriate field. This may be particularly relevant for infections such as HIV or Hepatitis B or C.
Book your HIV tests and STI tests in Waverly now
It is crucial to detect sexually transmitted infections (STIs) early for optimal treatment and health outcomes. Take immediate action to prevent any potentially serious health effects.
To schedule your clinic appointment, please contact the number provided above or click on the "Get Started" button to start your online booking.