Clinics in Delhi

Privacy, discretion, and expert care rest at the heart of Better2Know Delhi’s services. With flexible booking options, your private appointment will be conducted by reliable medical professionals who specialise in sexual health.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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Fast STI results in Delhi
Speed and accuracy are paramount when it comes to STI testing. That is why we are proud to offer the fastest turnaround times for STI test results in Delhi.
Our state-of-the-art, certified laboratory in Delhi provides efficient testing services, ensuring that your samples are analysed as soon as possible.
With our cutting-edge facilities and rigorous testing protocols, you can expect your results to be ready in just a few days, depending on your test.
If you want quick, reliable test results, book online by selecting a clinic from the map above.
What happens at my appointment in Delhi?
After arriving at our Delhi sexual health clinic, you will be shown to a private consultation room where a medical professional will take your samples. Once collected, your samples will be sent to our certified laboratory for processing.
Your appointment should take 10-15 minutes, and you should receive your test results within a few days.
Select a clinic in Delhi on the map above to book your STI test.
Chlamydia testing in Delhi
Chlamydia is one of the most prevalent STIs in Delhi. It is easily transmitted from one person to another during sexual intercourse. If left untreated, it can cause long-term complications and may potentially cause infertility and other health issues.
Chlamydia can infect your genitals, throat (if you have performed oral sex), and rectum (if you have received anal sex). It is essential to test each area that might have been exposed.
A PCR test using a single urine or swab sample can easily detect Chlamydia bacteria. If you test positive, we will help you access the necessary medication to clear the infection.
Choose a clinic on the map above to secure your STI test appointment today.
How often should I get tested for STIs?
At Better2Know, we recommend regular STI testing after each new sexual partner. While life in Delhi can be busy, prioritising your sexual health leads to better health outcomes. Do not put off getting tested if you are concerned about STIs.
Frequent testing is easy at your Better2Know’s Delhi clinic. Our flexible booking procedures can accommodate your schedule, and our discreet, comfortable environment will make the testing process quick and comfortable.
Book your test today by choosing a clinic from the map above.
My partner and I did not have sex. Can I still get an STI?
You can still contract an STI even if you do not engage in full sexual intercourse.
While having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex will put you at higher risk, some infections can also be transmitted in other ways.
The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Syphilis can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as during foreplay or genital-to-genital touching.
Other STIs, like HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, can also spread through blood-to-blood contact like needle stick injuries or using unsterilised tattooing equipment.
If you are concerned about a sexual encounter, you should get an STI test.
Find a sexual health clinic on the map above to book an STI test at one of Better2Know’s clinics in Delhi.