Clinics in Haldwani

At Better2Know, we prioritise confidentiality and discretion. At our sexual health clinic in Haldwani, you can book your test or screen anonymously online and receive your results promptly and discreetly. By getting tested, you are protecting your health and the health of those you care about.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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Can I get an STI if my partner and I did not have sex?
You can still get an STI even if you do not have full sexual intercourse. While having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex will put you at higher risk of contracting or spreading an STI, some infections can also be spread in other ways.
The Herpes Simplex Virus, Syphilis, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as coming into contact with a sore, wart, or skin blemish. Other STIs, like HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, can be spread through any blood-to-blood contact. This includes needle stick injuries, using unsterilised equipment, or sharing needles.
If you are concerned about a sexual encounter, whether or not you used protection, you should get an STI test. You can use our online chat to speak to one of our advisors or book online now.
Gonorrhoea Testing near you in Haldwani
Gonorrhoea is an STI that can affect the genitals, mouth (if you have given oral sex) and anus (if you have received anal sex). It is important to include Gonorrhoea in your STI tests in Haldwani as it is a common STI.
Gonorrhoea can cause infertility in women and reduced fertility in men. It can be easily passed on from one person to another. Most people with Gonorrhoea do not have any symptoms in the first few weeks and months of a new infection.
Our Haldwani clinics near you test for Gonorrhoea in your genital area with a urine sample. This will be tested in our laboratory and as soon as your results are back, we will report them to you.
Book your Gonorrhoea test in Haldwani by calling the number above or booking online now.
HIV testing in Haldwani
If you are worried that you may have HIV, the only way to know for sure is to get tested. Better2Know offers HIV testing at all its sexual health clinics in Haldwani. All we need is a blood sample, and we will get you your results quickly and confidentially, we do not need your real name. All HIV tests are run in our up-to-date laboratories.
Book your HIV test in Haldwani online now by selecting the best clinic for you on the map above. If you need help, please call our sexual health advisors who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What happens at my STD testing appointment?
Better2Know does everything we can to provide a compassionate, confidential STD testing service to everyone in Haldwani.
When you arrive for your appointment, a nurse will join you in a private consultation room. The nurse will take your samples and send them to our accredited laboratory for analysis.
Depending on the screen or test you choose to get, you may need to provide a blood sample, urine sample, or a swab sample. You should be in and out of your appointment in 10-15 minutes.
We can help you to get tested now, choose the sexual health clinic nearest you in Haldwani on the map above to start your online booking.
What STD test should I get?
Better2Know are experts in sexual health. Whatever your circumstances we will have the right STI test or screen for you. If you do not know what to test for, or want a regular check-up, our medical team suggest you choose our Full STI Screen at our Haldwani sexual health clinic. This screen needs a blood and urine sample, and tests for:
Hepatitis B and C
Urine Culture
Book your appointment online by choosing the Haldwani sexual health clinic nearest you on the map above.
How can I prevent STIs in Haldwani?
The only way to not have an STI in Haldwani is to not have sex. Condoms, femidoms and dental dams can help to prevent STIs spreading, but they will not work all the time. Sometimes bodily fluids are exchanged before the condom (or other barrier method) is put on (or in) and sometimes they may break, or not be used properly.
Having only one sexual partner at a time and regular STI testing in Haldwani can help to stop infections spreading. If you do test positive, you should let your sexual partners know so that they can also get tested and treated.
If you are worried that your condom did not work, or it has been over three to six months since your last STI test, you should get tested.
The earlier you get diagnosed; the sooner you can get treated. Call our Haldwani helpline to book an STI screen at a sexual health clinic near you.
What is the difference between an STI test and a screen?
An STI test is designed to confirm or rule out the presence of a specific infection. Individual tests are perfect for anyone who knows the single infection that they wish to test for.
An STI screen, designed by our medical team, looks for several infections at once. Screens are often used to get a broader picture of your sexual health when you have had a risky sexual encounter and want to protect your health. There is no way to know which STIs you may have caught without being tested.
If you would like to talk with someone about whether a test or screen would be right for you, speak to Better2Know’s Sexual Health Advisors in Haldwani today.