Clinics in Howrah

At Better2Know, we prioritise confidentiality and discretion. At our sexual health clinic in Howrah, you can book your test or screen anonymously online and receive your results promptly and discreetly. By getting tested, you are protecting your health and the health of those you care about.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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Can I get an STI if my partner and I did not have sex?
You can still get an STI even if you do not have full sexual intercourse. While having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex will put you at higher risk of contracting or spreading an STI, some infections can also be spread in other ways.
The Herpes Simplex Virus, Syphilis, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as coming into contact with a sore, wart, or skin blemish. Other STIs, like HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, can be spread through any blood-to-blood contact. This includes needle stick injuries, using unsterilised equipment, or sharing needles.
If you are concerned about a sexual encounter, whether or not you used protection, you should get an STI test. You can use our online chat to speak to one of our advisors or book online now.
How do I get a Syphilis test in Howrah?
Syphilis is an infection caused by bacteria. It is a common infection passed on by skin contact with a syphilis sore. This most often happens during sex.
Both men and women can catch and pass on syphilis in Howrah. Syphilis can do a lot of damage to your health, but it can also be treated easily. You can get syphilis more than once.
If you have had syphilis once, it will always show up in future Syphilis tests, so please let us know if you have this infection before.
The first step in treating Syphilis is getting tested. Book your STI test at our Howrah sexual health clinic today to secure your sexual health.
HIV testing in Howrah
If you are worried that you may have HIV, the only way to know for sure is to get tested. Better2Know offers HIV testing at all its sexual health clinics in Howrah. All we need is a blood sample, and we will get you your results quickly and confidentially, we do not need your real name. All HIV tests are run in our up-to-date laboratories.
Book your HIV test in Howrah online now by selecting the best clinic for you on the map above. If you need help, please call our sexual health advisors who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What happens at my STD testing appointment?
Better2Know does everything we can to provide a compassionate, confidential STD testing service to everyone in Howrah.
When you arrive for your appointment, a nurse will join you in a private consultation room. The nurse will take your samples and send them to our accredited laboratory for analysis.
Depending on the screen or test you choose to get, you may need to provide a blood sample, urine sample, or a swab sample. You should be in and out of your appointment in 10-15 minutes.
We can help you to get tested now, choose the sexual health clinic nearest you in Howrah on the map above to start your online booking.
HPV and cervical cancer testing in Howrah
Better2Know provides reliable and confidential HPV (Human Papillomavirus) testing at our Howrah sexual health clinic. HPV is a common virus, there are over 100 types, of which 40 can be sexually transmitted. Some of these types are low risk and cause genital warts, others are high risk and are linked to certain cancers, especially cervical cancer in women.
During your HPV test, a cervical swab (for women) or a swab of the suspected genital wart (for men and women) will be taken and sent to our accredited laboratory for analysis. This very accurate test will detect both high-risk and low-risk types of HPV.
Book your HPV test at our STI clinic in Howrah by selecting the sexual health clinic nearest you on the map above.
STIs and pregnancy in Howrah
When you or your partner is pregnant in Howrah, it is one of the most important times for a woman not to get an STI. Having an STI while you are pregnant can cause serious damage to your unborn baby. You should always follow the advice of your Howrah doctor and midwife when you are pregnant, but if you are worried you should test for:
Herpes (if you have never had herpes before)
STIs can be passed on to your baby before or during the birth. Most transmissions (passing on to your baby) can be prevented (including HIV) but your midwife needs to know that you have an STI to be able to stop the baby becoming unwell.
Book your test online by choosing the sexual health clinic nearest you in Howrah or call us on the number above.
24-hour sexual health advisors in Howrah
If you are in Howrah, you can contact Better2Know's team of Sexual Health Advisors, who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you.
Our team can talk you through your situation, help you choose an STI test or screen, and choose a sexual health clinic near you in Howrah. Call now or use our online chat tool to speak to someone immediately.