Clinics in Khalpara

Better2Know Khalpara understands that the thought of STI testing can make some people feel uncomfortable. But there is no need to worry. Better2Know offers a private, convenient, and compassionate service that will be with you every step of the way during this process.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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What STIs are most common in Khalpara?
The most common STIs in Khalpara include:
Herpes I&II
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
This is not an exhaustive list. Some infections may be less common and less well-known, but they can still cause severe damage to your health if left untreated.
If you are concerned about a recent sexual encounter, or are experiencing symptoms of an STI, choose a clinic near you on the map above to book your STI test.
What STIs can I be tested for in Khalpara?
Our sexual health clinics in Khalpara offer a comprehensive testing experience with tests available for a full range of STIs. You can get tested for one infection or get a screen to test for a wider range of infections.
Call the number at the top of this page to speak to a member of our Patient Services team for more information about testing options.
If I do not have any symptoms, does that mean that I do not have an STI?
Most STIs do not produce any symptoms, meaning someone can carry an STI for a long time and not know it. Many STIs are passed on in this fashion – without the carrier knowing.
The decision to get tested should not be based on your symptoms but your behaviours. If you have had a risky sexual encounter, like having sex with a new sexual partner or had unprotected sex, you should get tested.
Choose a clinic on the map to secure an STI test today.
What are the symptoms of an STI?
Symptoms of STIs vary from infection to infection. You may have an STI if you are experiencing:
Unusual discharge from your genitals
Pain, itching, or burning sensations in your genitals or groin area
Sores, warts, or chancres on, in, or around your genitals or mouth
Flu-like symptoms, including fever, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea, headaches, and joint pain
Sustained pain in the lower abdomen
It is important to note that most STIs do not cause any symptoms. The absence of symptoms does not mean the absence of an STI.
Choose a clinic on the map above to secure an appointment at a clinic near you.
How often should I get tested for STIs?
Better2Know recommends getting tested regularly, around once every three months, if you are sexually active.
You should also get screened for STIs if:
You had unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex
You have had sex with a new sexual partner
You have sex with multiple partners
Your sexual partner has sex with someone else
A previous sexual partner tells you that they have symptoms of an STI
You are experiencing symptoms of an STI
Getting tested for STIs is quick and convenient with Better2Know. Start your online booking today by selecting the nearest clinic on the map above.