Clinics in Kolkata

You can book your STI test appointment in Kolkata online now. Select the sexual health clinic nearest you on the map of Kolkata below. If you need help choosing your test, you can call our highly trained Better2Know Patient Services team on the number above.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
Need help? Contact one of our expert advisors.
Get fast STI test results in Kolkata
If you are worried about STIs, you will want answers fast.
Better2Know offers the best turnaround times in Kolkata for your STI test. Once our certified laboratory receives your test samples, you will receive your results within a matter of days. We strive to offer quick and reliable test results to give you the clarity and peace of mind you need.
Create your online booking by selecting a clinic from the map on this page.
HIV testing in Kolkata
Better2Know is proud to offer comprehensive HIV testing services to all our patients in Kolkata. We offer 10-day and 28-day testing, giving our patients a clear view of their HIV status.
You can get tested for HIV with a simple blood test or get tested as part of a larger screen for other STIs.
If you are concerned about HIV, it is important to get tested. HIV, if left untreated, can cause AIDS, which severely compromises your immune system and can even be fatal.
Choose a clinic on the map above to book your HIV test online.
Chlamydia testing in Kolkata
Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs in India and passes from person to person through sexual contact, often going undetected.
In fact, 50% of men and 75% of women who are infected with Chlamydia do not know that they have it. This makes regular testing for this infection all the more important.
Keep yourself safe from infection by getting tested with Better2Know. Choose a clinic from the map on this page to schedule an STI test at a sexual health clinic near you.
How often should I get tested for an STI?
Better2Know recommends getting tested regularly, around once every three months, if you are sexually active and are not in a committed monogamous relationship.
You should also get screened for STIs if:
You had unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex
You have had sex with a new sexual partner
You have sex with multiple partners
Your sexual partner has sex with someone else
A previous sexual partner tells you that they have symptoms of an STI
A previous sexual partner has tested positive for an STI
You are experiencing symptoms of an STI
Getting tested for STIs is quick and convenient with Better2Know. Start your online booking today by choosing the nearest clinic to you on the map on this page.
Can I talk to someone about my test?
It can be difficult to know when to get tested, and for what infection.
If you are unsure what to get tested for, call the number at the top of this page to speak to one of Better2Know’s dedicated Sexual Health Advisors. They can help you choose a test, screen, or clinic that will meet your needs.
Call us today.