Clinics in Nagpur

Using the most up-to-date testing and analysis available, Better2Know Nagpur’s specialist team of healthcare providers and highly accredited laboratories provides some of India's fastest and most accurate results and sample collection services.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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What STI screens can I get in Nagpur?
Better2Know’s medical team have developed our screens to test for a range of STIs. Some of our most popular screens include:
Platinum Screen: India’s most comprehensive STI screen. The Platinum Screen tests for eleven different infections, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes, HIV, and Syphilis, along with a urine culture and tests for Toxoplasma, Rubella, and Cytomegalovirus.
Early Detection Screen: This blood test is perfect for anyone who wants answers soon after a concerning incident. This screen looks for the presence of viruses in the body just 10 days after exposure. Tests for HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.
Regular testing at Better2Know sexual health clinics is crucial for early detection and treatment of STIs. If you are worried about an infection, call our helpline or book an online appointment at your nearest clinic by choosing one on the map above.
Can I get an STI if my partner and I did not have sex?
You can still get an STI even if you do not have full sexual intercourse. While having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex will put you at higher risk of contracting or spreading an STI, some infections can also be spread in other ways.
Infections like Herpes and Syphilis can spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as coming into contact with a sore or chancre. Transmission can occur even during protected sex since a condom may not entirely cover the infected blemish.
Other STIs, like HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, can be spread through any blood-to-blood contact. This includes contact with any wound, needle stick injuries, using unsterilised tattooing equipment, or sharing needles for intravenous drug use.
If you are concerned about a sexual encounter in Nagpur, whether or not you used protection, you should get an STI test.
Book online now to secure an appointment today.
What samples do I need to provide for my STI test?
At Better2Know, we understand that not everyone is comfortable with having their blood taken or providing an intimate swab. We have designed our online sexual health booking system so that you can filter tests by sample type. Choose the test or screen you feel most comfortable taking.
When you arrive at your Better2Know sexual health clinic in Nagpur, one of our trained and experienced healthcare professionals will take your blood samples. They will also give you instructions on how to collect a urine sample and any swabs needed for your chosen tests.
Book online to secure an appointment today. Begin by selecting a sexual health clinic on the map above and then choosing a test or screen that suits your needs.
What is the difference between an STI test and an STI screen?
An STI test detects the presence of a single infection. They are most often used in instances when you have reason to look for a specific infection, like if a previous sexual partner informs you that they have Chlamydia.
An STI screen, on the other hand, tests for several infections. Screens are often used to get a broader picture of your sexual health when you have had a risky sexual encounter and do not know what to test for.
If you want to talk with someone about whether a test or screen would be right for you, speak to Better2Know’s Sexual Health Advisors in Nagpur today.
What should I do if I have an STI?
Millions of people are infected with STIs every day. Do not panic. Most STIs are curable with medication. The symptoms of other STIs can be managed with the right treatment.
If you test positive on a test or screen with Better2Know, we will schedule a private consultation with a doctor who will help you access any medication you will need.
Choose a sexual health clinic near you on the map above to begin the online booking process.