Clinics in Pune

If you have questions about the STI testing process, you can call our 24/7 Pune helpline to speak to a member of our team. Getting tested is always the best option to secure your health and peace of mind.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
Need help? Contact one of our expert advisors.
How did I get an STI?
Many people can get STIs in a variety of ways.
Most STIs are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, such as vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex. Certain STIs, like Herpes, can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, such as kissing, foreplay, or genital-to-genital touching.
However, some STIs can be transmitted in other ways.
Infections like HIV and Syphilis can be transmitted through blood-to-blood contact – most often through sharing needles for intravenous drug use, needle-stick injuries, and blood transfusions.
In some cases, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can be transmitted through sharing hygiene products like razors or toothbrushes.
No matter how the infection occurs, it is always better to know your sexual health status.
Choose a clinic on the map to book your STI test at a clinic near you.
Do STIs cause symptoms?
While certain symptoms can indicate the presence of an infection, most STIs do not produce any symptoms. This is often how they are so easily transmitted. A carrier may not know they are infected and pass on the infection without being treated or using protection.
If you have had unprotected sex, started a sexual relationship with a new partner, or want to know more about your health, you should get tested.
Book your test today by selecting a clinic on the map provided.
Why should I get tested for STIs?
Many STIs can cause serious damage to your health if left untreated. Complications from various infections could include:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Decreased fertility
Susceptibility to contracting other STIs
Damage to vital organ systems, like the liver, eyes, brain, and nervous system
A higher likelihood of developing certain cancers
Decreased immune function
Getting tested for STIs will also help you protect your current and future partners from infection. Identifying and treating an infection is the best way to prevent its spread.
Click on a clinic on the map, then select a test or screen. Once your appointment is booked, you will receive an email confirmation.
HIV testing in Pune
If you are concerned about HIV, Better2Know is here to help with accurate and reliable tests.
At our sexual health clinic in Pune, all you need to do is provide a simple blood sample. After our accredited laboratory completes its analysis, you will receive your test results quickly and confidentially on your online Patient Area. You can also receive your test results via SMS message or email.
Book your HIV test in Pune online by selecting the best clinic on the map above. If you need help, please call our Sexual Health Advisors, who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you make the best possible decisions for your sexual health.
How likely am I to get an STI from an infected person?
It is impossible to know if a sexual encounter will result in an infection, but certain factors can increase the risk, including:
The type of STI
Whether you had unprotected sex
If you received anal sex
If you have an existing STI
How contagious your partner is
If you are concerned about the possibility of having an STI, you can get tested with Better2Know at our Pune sexual health clinic. It is always better to know your sexual health status than to leave it to chance.
Call today or book your appointment online using the map above.