Clinics in Udaipur

The worry of having an STI can be stressful. Our professional and compassionate team of Sexual Health Advisors in Udaipur can help. They can discuss your situation with you, in a non-judgmental manner, and help you with the next steps to protect your health.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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Where can I get tested for STIs in Udaipur?
Better2Know can help you to get tested in Udaipur for all intimate infections and venereal diseases. Our clinics are in convenient locations and are open at times which work for you. Our STI Testing clinics have early mornings, late nights and weekend opening times for you to get tested.
You can search for the sexual health clinic in Udaipur near you using the map. You can book your appointment online by clicking “select” on the clinic you want to book or by calling our team 24/7 on the number above.
HIV Tests in Udaipur
HIV is a serious sexually transmitted infection. Better2Know tests for HIV at all of our Udaipur clinics. You can get tested without having to use your real name. If you are worried about anyone knowing you have been tested, we will not know who you are, and will keep your results confidential.
HIV is not curable but can be managed with the right medication. The key to successful treatment is to start medication early. You should include an HIV test whenever you have a new sexual partner.
You can book your HIV test in Udaipur online now, click on the clinic nearest you to Get Started.
What is the difference between a test and a screen?
An STI test is for when a patient is concerned about one infection. For example, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who later informs you that they have Chlamydia, you would want to get a Chlamydia test.
An STI screen is recommended by the Better2Know Udaipur medical team. A screen involves checking for several different STIs simultaneously. Screens are best used when an individual has had sex with a new partner and wants to get peace of mind by having a more comprehensive look at their sexual health.
Regular STI testing and screening is an essential part of maintaining good sexual health and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections in Udaipur.
How will I get my STI test results in Udaipur?
Better2Know provides a confidential STI testing service in Udaipur that respects your privacy and need to get fast results to confirm your sexual health status. We will notify you of your test results by SMS or email as soon as they are all ready. They will also be uploaded to your secure online Patient Area.
Your area is protected through secure encryption and accessible only to you. You can check on the progress of your results at any time. If you choose a screen, some results may be back sooner than others.
Speak to a member of our Udaipur Patient Services team now for more information about the testing process.
When should I get tested for an STI in Udaipur?
All Venereal Diseases have an incubation period. This is the time it takes for an infection to be detectable in your body from the time that you might have caught it.
If you are worried about a specific incident in Udaipur, then the incubation period varies between 10 and 28 days depending on the infection and test method. You can book your STI Test appointment in advance. Please choose a date on or after the incubation period.
If you are having a regular check-up, then the incubation period is less important. Your results will be accurate for partners up to and before the incubation period of your tests or screens.
If you think you may have been exposed to an STI, or you have any symptoms, you should get tested.
STIs and pregnancy in Udaipur
When you or your partner is pregnant in Udaipur, it is one of the most important times for a woman not to get an STI. Having an STI while you are pregnant can cause serious damage to your unborn baby. You should always follow the advice of your Udaipur doctor and midwife when you are pregnant, but if you are worried you should test for:
Herpes (if you have never had herpes before)
STIs can be passed on to your baby before or during the birth. Most transmissions (passing on to your baby) can be prevented (including HIV) but your midwife needs to know that you have an STI to be able to stop the baby becoming unwell.
Book your test online by choosing the sexual health clinic nearest you in Udaipur or call us on the number above.
Ask our Udaipur sexual health hotline 24/7
At Better2Know, we provide 24/7 help to anyone who wants to get tested for STIs in Udaipur. We have a dedicated Patient Services team who have extensive knowledge about all aspects of STI testing and procedures at our Udaipur clinics. Whether you have questions about the testing process, the types of tests available, or how to book or reschedule an appointment, our team is here to help.
You can call us on the number at the top of the page, or book online at any time.