Three reasons to choose the Better2Know Hepatitis B Core Antibody test
- This test will tell you if you have had or currently have Hepatitis B
- The Hepatitis B Core Antibody appears when you start to have symptoms and will always be detectable
- This test is for men and women who want fast and accurate results
Who is the Hepatitis B core antibody test for?
This test is designed for men and women who want to know if they have had a Hepatitis B infection. The test is not able to say when you had Hepatitis B.
What does this test include?
The testing includes your appointment, blood sample collection, fast analysis of your blood sample, reporting your results to you, and you can discuss your results with one of our Better2Know doctors.
How do I book my appointment?
Book your test by clicking the “Book Your Appointment” button. Follow the instructions provided. You will be asked to choose a clinic, date, and time for your appointment.
What can I expect at my appointment?
When you visit the clinic for your appointment, a medical professional will take your blood, and send it to our laboratory for fast and accurate analysis.
How will I receive my results?
Once your Hepatitis B Core antibody test results are ready, you will receive a notification by SMS or email. You can view your results in your secure online Patient Area 24/7.