Clinics in Mielec

Testing with Better2Know means that there is no need to worry about anyone finding out that you have had an STI test in Mielec. We are experts in discretion and confidentiality for sexual health testing.
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Where can I get tested for STIs in Mielec?
Better2Know can help you to get tested in Mielec for all intimate infections and venereal diseases. Our clinics are in convenient locations and are open at times which work for you. Our STI Testing clinics have early mornings, late nights and weekend opening times for you to get tested.
You can search for the sexual health clinic in Mielec near you using the map. You can book your appointment online by clicking “select” on the clinic you want to book or by calling our team 24/7 on the number above.
Gonorrhoea tests in Mielec
Gonorrhoea is one of the most common STIs in Mielec. It can cause considerable damage to your health and fertility if it is not detected and treated quickly. Gonorrhoea can be passed on by vaginal, oral and/ or anal sex.
The Gonorrhoea test at our Better2Know sexual health clinic in Mielec is a simple, urine test used to detect the presence of the infection in your genitals, or a self-collected swab of your mouth/ throat or anus.
What is the difference between a test and a screen?
An STI test is for when a patient is concerned about one infection. For example, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who later informs you that they have Chlamydia, you would want to get a Chlamydia test.
An STI screen is recommended by the Better2Know Mielec medical team. A screen involves checking for several different STIs simultaneously. Screens are best used when an individual has had sex with a new partner and wants to get peace of mind by having a more comprehensive look at their sexual health.
Regular STI testing and screening is an essential part of maintaining good sexual health and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections in Mielec.
Can I get an STI if I did not have sex?
Yes, it is possible to contract an STI without sexual intercourse. While sexual intercourse is the most common transmission method, some STIs can be contracted through non-sexual means. Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Herpes and Syphilis are all high risk for being passed on through oral and anal sex. HIV is high risk for being passed on through anal sex.
Herpes and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can be spread through skin-to-skin contact. This means that any contact with a blister or sore can pass on the virus. HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can be contracted through any blood-to-blood contact, this includes sex, sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment, needle stick injuries, through tears in the skin, or from mother to child during childbirth.
It is vital to understand that while sexual activity increases the risk of contracting an STI, abstaining from intercourse does not completely eliminate the risk. Regular STI testing with Better2Know in Mielec is recommended regardless of your sexual activity to ensure optimal sexual health.
Chlamydia test in Mielec
Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs in Mielec. Over 50% of men and 75% of women will not have any symptoms of a Chlamydia infection, making it a silent yet significant threat to your health.
Regular Chlamydia testing is important for sexually active men and women in Mielec. Early detection can prevent severe health complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory disease [PID] in women and reduced fertility and pain during urination or sex for men.
You can have a Chlamydia infection in your genitals, throat and rectum. Each of these locations has a different test. A urine test will detect Chlamydia in your genital area (for both men and women), but will not find an infection in your mouth if you have given oral sex to someone with Chlamydia.
In Mielec, Better2Know offers confidential, fast, and reliable Chlamydia testing services. Remember, getting tested is not only about individual health but also about protecting others and reducing the spread of STIs in your community.
HIV Testing in Mielec
HIV testing is a critical element in managing and preventing the spread of the HIV virus.
Early detection of HIV can significantly enhance the effectiveness of treatment, allowing individuals to lead healthier, longer lives. It also helps in reducing the risk of transmitting the virus to others.
In Mielec, Better2Know provides confidential and rapid HIV testing services, supporting individuals in taking control of their health. By prioritising regular HIV testing, we can collectively contribute to preventing the spread of HIV and fostering healthier communities.
Ask our Mielec sexual health hotline 24/7
At Better2Know, we provide 24/7 help to anyone who wants to get tested for STIs in Mielec. We have a dedicated Patient Services team who have extensive knowledge about all aspects of STI testing and procedures at our Mielec clinics. Whether you have questions about the testing process, the types of tests available, or how to book or reschedule an appointment, our team is here to help.
You can call us on the number at the top of the page, or book online at any time.