Clinics in Bloemfontein

Sexual Health Testing in Bloemfontein
checkmarkExperts in sexual health
Discreet and confidential
checkmarkPrivate clinics nationwide
Better2Know’s sexual health clinic in Bloemfontein offers accurate and comprehensive sexual health screening services to all our patients. Get tested for South Africa’s most common STIs like HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B, and others.

Our team of dedicated Sexual Health Advisors will ensure you get the information you need to make responsible decisions about your sexual health. Call the number at the top of this page if you need help choosing a test or clinic in Bloemfontein.

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Need help? Contact one of our expert advisors.

Always 100% confidential and completely anonymous

Call 0800 999 276

Should I stop having sex if I am worried about sexually transmitted infections?

If you have reason to believe you have a sexually transmitted infection – for instance, if you have had unprotected sex, begun a new sexual relationship, or are experiencing symptoms of an STI – you should stop having sex. If you are infected, having sex will increase the chance that you will pass your infection on to someone else.

To protect your sexual health and the health of those you care about, get tested for STIs with Better2Know today. Choose a clinic in Bloemfontein on the map on this page and select a test or screen that suits your needs.

How soon can HIV be detected on a blood test?

Better2Know offers two different types of HIV tests.

Our 10-day HIV test can be taken just 10 days after the initial infection and tests for the presence of the HIV 1 virus in the blood sample you provide.

Our 28-day HIV test, on the other hand, is the more comprehensive testing option. It combines tests for HIV 1 and 2 antibodies and a test for the p24 antigen. When taken 28 days after the initial infection, this test is 99.8% accurate.

To ensure you get the right HIV test for your circumstances, speak to a member of our Bloemfontein team at the number at the top of this page.

Can Gonorrhoea be cured?

Gonorrhoea can easily be cured. Most cases of Gonorrhoea can be detected with a single urine sample and easily cleared with a short round of antibiotics, sometimes even with a single dose.

If you test positive for an infection with Better2Know, we set you up with a confidential consultation with a private doctor. During this consultation, you will be able to ask your doctor any questions about your infection, your treatment, and what you can do to protect your sexual health moving forward.

Do not delay getting tested – the longer you wait, the more damage your infection can cause. Choose a clinic in Bloemfontein from the map on this page to secure an appointment today and get the Gonorrhoea treatment you need.

Who can I talk to about my STI test?

Better2Know Bloemfontein has a team of Sexual Health Advisors on call to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.   

Call the number listed at the top of this page if you need to talk to someone about getting tested. Our dedicated team members can help you book an appointment and select the STI testing option that meets your needs.

How It Works

Book Your Test
Step 1Book Your Test

You can book your appointment online, by telephone or webchat

Attend The Clinic
Step 2Attend The Clinic

Attend your appointment and have your samples taken by our friendly team.

Receive your Results Securely
Step 3Receive your Results Securely

We will notify you when your results are available. You can retrieve them via your secure online portal.

Follow-up Treatment
Step 4Follow-up Treatment

We can help you with any treatment or referral you may need.

Not sure what you want to be tested for? We can help