Clinics in Ellisras
The Better2Know patient services team in Ellisras are available for your convenience 24/7. Our advisors are here to help answer any questions you might have, book your appointment and arrange any further treatment that you may need.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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What will happen during my appointment at the Ellisras sexual health clinic?
When you arrive at Better2Know’s sexual health clinic in Ellisras, you will be greeted by reception and be shown to a private consultation room, where a nurse will take your sample. The samples you give will depend on your chosen screen or test. Your appointment will usually take no longer than 10-15 minutes. During the consultation, you can ask the nurse any questions you may have about the testing process.
Your sample will be sent to our accredited laboratory for analysis. Depending on the test or screen, this process will take between 1 to 7 days. When your results are ready, they will be uploaded to your secure online Patient Area. You will also receive notification of your results by SMS or email. Better2Know will help you access the medication and care you will need if you test positive.
Choose the sexual health clinic nearest you in Ellisras on the map on this page to begin your online booking.
What STIs should I get tested for?
If you do not know what specific infections to test for, Better2Know’s medical team recommends the Full STI Screen. Our doctors have put this screen together for men and women to test for the most common and most important STIs. You can book it online at our private Ellisras sexual health clinic nearest you.
You should wait 28 days since any incident of concern before you have this test. We just need a blood and urine sample. The screen tests for:
Hepatitis B
If you have not yet waited 28 days. Do not worry, we have other tests for you to choose from. Our Early Screens start from an incubation period of just 10 days. Our friendly booking team are available now to help you to choose the right test for you in Ellisras.
What are the symptoms of an STI?
STIs can have many symptoms: some obvious and some less so. What makes many STIs so common in Ellisras is that many of their symptoms can be minor or mistaken for other less serious infections. Because of this, people may not get tested. That is why it is always better to know your sexual status if you are concerned about any symptoms.
The symptoms you get will depend on the infection. When they do appear, your symptoms may include:
Itching or burning sensations in the genitals or the groin area
Any unusual discharge from the penis or vagina
Pain or burning sensations during urination
Pain during normal sexual intercourse
New and unusual skin blemishes such as warts, sores, blisters, chancres, or rashes in or around the genitals, anus, or mouth
Lasting pain in the lower abdomen
Symptoms that may be mistaken for the flu or other infections, such as fever, body aches, or fatigue
Unexplained weight loss
Unusual vaginal bleeding between periods
Most people with an STI do not have any symptoms in Ellisras. It is possible to have an infection for months or years and not know it.
If you have an STI and leave it untreated, you could develop serious health complications, such as problems with your fertility, an increased risk of developing cancer, reduced immune function, and problems with major organ systems.
Get tested with Better2Know today to find out your sexual health status. Start your online booking by choosing a sexual health clinic in Ellisras near you.
Chlamydia testing in Ellisras
Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs in Ellisras. That is why getting tested for it is important, as many people have it. It is easily transmitted between sexual partners during vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
Most men and women who have a Chlamydia infection do not have any symptoms in the first few months. However, in this time, Chlamydia can cause serious damage to your health and fertility, including conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy in women, and prostatitis and epididymitis in men.
Better2Know make having a Chlamydia test in Ellisras as easy as possible. A urine test will detect a genital infection, or a self-collected swab is needed to detect an infection in your throat or anus. It is important to test all parts of your body that may have Chlamydia.
Syphilis testing in Ellisras
Once thought to be fairly rare in modern times, Syphilis infections are on the rise around the world and in Ellisras. Regular testing for Syphilis in sexually active people will help reduce the spread.
Syphilis can cause serious harm to your health if it is not caught early enough. Identifying the infection can be difficult because Syphilis can often be mistaken for other, less serious infections, meaning most people will not seek medical attention when they have symptoms.
Get your Syphilis test today by scheduling an appointment at one of Better2Know’s Ellisras sexual health clinics. Call the number listed at the top of this page or begin your booking by choosing a clinic near you on the map provided.
HPV Testing in Ellisras
HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus, is very common and can be contracted by both men and women in Ellisras. There are over 100 different types of HPV, about 40 of the types can be transmitted by sexual or skin-skin contact, and 14 of these are said to be High Risk for certain cervical cancers in women and penile cancers in men.
HPV is also the virus which causes genital warts. These are Low Risk HPV types and means that they are not associated with cancer. However, the warts can be uncomfortable or painful. Knowing what they are, means that you can get the right treatment to remove them.
Testing for HPV regularly is important. Women can have an HPV test at any time when they do not have a period. Men should have the test when they have a genital wart or lesion. At your appointment in Ellisras your nurse will collect your sample and send it to our laboratory for fast and accurate analysis.
You can book your HPV test in Ellisras online now by clicking select on the sexual health clinics nearest you on the map above.
24/7 Ellisras Sexual Health Hotline
If you need a little bit more help before you book, please call our 24/7 sexual health hotline on the number above. We will be pleased to help you, understand your symptoms and concerns, and book you in for your private and confidential STI test at one of our Ellisras clinics.