Doctor Consultation
If you are having trouble securing a doctors appointment to discuss a worrying health issue or just need some medical advice, Better2Know can secure you a consultation with one of our qualified and friendly Doctors.
What will happen during my consultation?
Your doctor will listen to your history and symptoms
Your doctor may ask to see any visible symptoms
Your doctor will review your test results and may suggest additional tests to be run
Your doctor will discusses treatment options with you
How can I prepare for a consultation?
Prepare a list of questions or problems you want to discuss
Have a pen and paper handy for notes
Wear loose clothing if your consultation is face to face
Tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking
What can I discuss with my doctor?
If you are concerned about your sexual health, a positive test result, or any other aspect of your general health and wellbeing, you can discuss this with your Better2Know doctor. No matter where you are located, we can get you either a face to face appointment or arrange a telephone/ video consultation for you. Your Better2Know doctor will discuss your health concerns and issues, and help you devise the best possible course of action to secure your overall health.
How do I book my Doctor's Consultation?
Just click the Get Started button or call us on the number at the top of the page. A friendly member of our Patient Services team will be happy to help you