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Hepatitis B
Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthJuly 7 2023

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common, but their effects can be harmful both in the short and long-term. The risks of getting an STI go be...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthJune 23 2023

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a common concern for sexually active individuals. They are easily transmitted through sexual contact and ca...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 28 2023

We can all agree that toilets, especially public toilets, can be very unhygienic. Given that bathrooms are where people bathe, urinate, and defecate, ...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 14 2023

Most people think a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is something you only get through sexual contact. This isn’t true. It’s also possible to be b...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthNovember 11 2022

Regularly testing for STDs is part of being responsible as a sexually active individual. But what happens when you discover you may have an STD while ...

Sunset in the mountains

World Hepatitis Day takes place this year on July 28th to raise awareness of the disease. More than one million deaths take place each year because of...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthMarch 18 2022

Better2Know is a global leader in private sexual health testing and, based on some of the latest statistics regarding the most common sexually transmi...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthMay 7 2021

Hepatitis A, B and C are the most common forms of Hepatitis found in Australia. All three types of Hepatitis affect the liver, causing inflammation, p...