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STI Screens
Sunset in the mountains
UncategorisedMay 27 2022

For most people who have contracted HIV, the symptoms experienced are often similar to the common cold or flu.  This means that diagnosis can be diffi...

Sunset in the mountains
UncategorisedMay 13 2022

Australia’s domestic response to HIV since its discovery in the 1980s has been regarded internationally as a world-leading model of best practice.  Th...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 29 2022

World Ovarian Cancer Day falls on 8 May 2022.  This event was created by ovarian cancer advocacy organisations around the world in 2013 to increase aw...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 1 2022

The sexually transmitted infection (STI) Chlamydia is Australia’s most common STI and if left untreated can cause lasting health issues for both women...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthMarch 18 2022

Better2Know is a global leader in private sexual health testing and, based on some of the latest statistics regarding the most common sexually transmi...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthFebruary 25 2022

Mycoplasma genitalium is a bacterium which can be spread by vaginal, penile, oral, or anal sexual contact and intercourse in men and women and it live...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthFebruary 18 2022

In 2020, there were an estimated 29,090 people living with HIV in Australia. An estimated 91% of those people were diagnosed by the end of 2020. Resea...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthDecember 3 2021

Australia, and particularly Melbourne, are keeping a watchful eye on the sexually transmitted infection, Syphilis.  It is a serious infection that can...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthNovember 19 2021

Chlamydia is the most frequently reported sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Australia according to Healthdirect.gov.au. They estimate that nearl...