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STI Tests
Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthJuly 7 2023

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common, but their effects can be harmful both in the short and long-term. The risks of getting an STI go be...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 14 2023

Most people think a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is something you only get through sexual contact. This isn’t true. It’s also possible to be b...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthDecember 9 2022

With Christmas and New Year just on the horizon, everyone is getting ready to celebrate this festive season. These holidays often bring plenty of part...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthNovember 11 2022

Regularly testing for STDs is part of being responsible as a sexually active individual. But what happens when you discover you may have an STD while ...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthSeptember 2 2022

Roses, candlelight dinners, a stroll through the park at sunset. A picnic at the lake, horse-drawn carriage as snow gently falls from the sky snuggled...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthAugust 19 2022

The popular American television show “Sex and the City,” which follows the lives of female characters as they try and find love in New York City, lead...

Sunset in the mountains
UncategorisedMay 27 2022

For most people who have contracted HIV, the symptoms experienced are often similar to the common cold or flu.  This means that diagnosis can be diffi...

Sunset in the mountains
UncategorisedMay 13 2022

Australia’s domestic response to HIV since its discovery in the 1980s has been regarded internationally as a world-leading model of best practice.  Th...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 1 2022

The sexually transmitted infection (STI) Chlamydia is Australia’s most common STI and if left untreated can cause lasting health issues for both women...