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STI Transmission
Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthAugust 4 2023

These days, it seems like there are all sorts of new sexual conventions to learn. One sexual act you may not have heard of is rimming. However, rimmin...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthJune 23 2023

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a common concern for sexually active individuals. They are easily transmitted through sexual contact and ca...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 28 2023

We can all agree that toilets, especially public toilets, can be very unhygienic. Given that bathrooms are where people bathe, urinate, and defecate, ...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthApril 14 2023

Most people think a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is something you only get through sexual contact. This isn’t true. It’s also possible to be b...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthFebruary 17 2023

An STI, or sexually transmitted infection, is an illness that can spread from one person to another during sexual contact. Learning about the most com...

Sunset in the mountains
Sexual HealthAugust 19 2022

The popular American television show “Sex and the City,” which follows the lives of female characters as they try and find love in New York City, lead...