What is a dental dam and how is it used?

Published May 12 2023 inSexual Health
stopwatch3 minutes read

When it comes to your sexual health, using protection should always be a top priority. Many people know about and use condoms, but other forms of protection can be used where condoms may not be ideal.

Dental dams are a form of protection specifically designed for oral sex to help reduce the risk of spreading sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Despite being an effective prevention tool, many people are still unfamiliar with dental dams and how they work.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what dental dams are and why you should consider using them when getting intimate with your partner.

What are dental dams?

A dental dam is a thin sheet of latex or polyurethane that serves as a barrier during oral sex, but can also be used during vaginal, clitoral, or anal stimulation. Most dental dams will come with a water based lubricant.

The dental dam is placed over the vulva or anus to prevent contact between the mouth and genitals, reducing the risk of transmission of any sexually transmitted infection and ingesting faecal matter. Dental dams come in different sizes, flavours, and textures to enhance pleasure during oral sex.

Additionally, since they are made from latex or polyurethane, they provide an extra layer of safety for those who have sensitivities to certain types of condoms, such as those made from natural rubber latex (NRL). Dental dams also provide more control than regular condoms because they can be moved around easily without slipping off.

The benefits of dental dams

Dental dams protect both yourself and your partner during oral sex. Not only do they help reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections, but they can also make your sexual experiences more comfortable and enjoyable.

Here are some of the key benefits that you can expect to enjoy by using dental dams:

Protection against STIs

Oral sex is not generally considered a risky sexual activity. But it can be. STIs can be transmitted through oral sex.

One of the most important benefits of using dental dams is that they provide a physical barrier between you and your partner’s genitals or anus, which helps prevent the transmission of STIs like SyphilisChlamydia, Pubic Lice, GonorrhoeaHuman Papillomavirus (HPV), or other infections. This is particularly important for people who are engaging in sex with new partners, or with partners who have had multiple sexual partners.

A dental dam may also keep your partner’s bodily fluids from getting in your mouth or eyes, which is a common way to spread STIs like Chlamydia.

Improved sexual comfort

Using a dental dam can also make oral sex more comfortable and pleasurable for you and your partner. The barrier helps to reduce friction and can make the experience feel smoother and more enjoyable.

Increased peace of mind

Knowing that you are protecting yourself and your partner from STIs can give you peace of mind and help you relax and enjoy the moment.

Easy to use and carry

Dental dams are incredibly easy to use and carry around with you. They are small, lightweight, and can be stored in your purse or wallet for easy access. They are also simple to apply and remove, making them a convenient and hassle-free option for safer oral sex.

Overall, the benefits of using dental dams during sex are numerous and significant. By incorporating them into your sexual routine, you can protect yourself and your partner from STIs, increase sexual comfort and pleasure, and enjoy greater peace of mind.

How do I use a dental dam?

In order to use a dental dam correctly, it is important to ensure that the area is clean and dry before starting. Next, unwrap the dental dam and place it over the vulva or anus, holding it in place with your hands or using a lubricant on its edges if necessary.

Once you’re done having oral sex, carefully remove the dental dam without touching either side and throw it away in a trash bin immediately afterwards.

Where can I buy dental dams?

You can buy latex dental dams online or at a local pharmacy. Ensure that the new dental dam you purchase is made of either latex or polyurethane and is labelled for safe sex.

If you experience any discomfort or allergic reactions, consider trying a different brand or material.

Final thoughts

A dental dam is a simple, safe, and effective way to reduce the risk of transmitting STIs during oral sex. Remember, prevention is always better than treatment, and taking steps to protect your sexual health is essential.

If you think you may have an STI, it’s always better to get tested. Call the number above to speak to one of Better2Know’s Sexual Health Advisors, who can help you organise a test at nearby sexual health clinics.


Mike has been delivering world class Sexually Transmitted Infections testing services to Better2Know patients around the world for over ten years. He has written extensively on the subject, including numerous blogs for Better2Know which are designed to demystify the complex intricacies of sexual health testing. Mike wants to help his readers understand the risks they take in their daily sexual lives and provide the information they need when choosing an STI or STD test in a clear, concise and understandable way. Mike is particularly interested in writing about viral STIs like HIV and Hepatitis, as these infections can have a devastating impact on people’s lives if they are not diagnosed quickly. Only through being well informed can you best care for your health, and Mike is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience to help you and all his readers lead a happier, healthier life.