Perfil de Hepatitis Aguda

Examen Clínico


Examen de hepatitis A, B y C con resultados rápidos.

Periodo de Incubación:
28 Days
Método(s) de recolección:
Examen de sangre
Tiempo de respuesta de la prueba:

Pruebas para

circle e-rightHepatitis A
circle e-rightHepatitis B
circle e-rightHepatitis C
microscope Nuestras pruebas se realizan en laboratorios acreditados.
privacy Sus datos personales se tratan de forma segura.
usersUsted cuenta con el apoyo de nuestro excelente equipo de atención al paciente, disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana.
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¿Necesita ayuda? Póngase en contacto con uno de nuestros asesores expertos.

Siempre 100% confidencial y completamente anónimo

Llame a 601 508 8597

¿Cómo Funciona?

Solicite su Examen
Paso 1Solicite su Examen

Puede solicitar cita en línea, por teléfono o a través de nuestro chat.

Acudir a la Clínica
Paso 2Acudir a la Clínica

Acuda a su cita y nuestro amable equipo le tomará las muestras.

Reciba sus Resultados de Forma Segura
Paso 3Reciba sus Resultados de Forma Segura

Le avisaremos cuando sus resultados estén disponibles. Podrá recuperarlos a través de su portal seguro en línea.

Tratamiento de Seguimiento
Paso 4Tratamiento de Seguimiento

Podemos ayudarle con cualquier tratamiento o derivación que necesite.

Información sobre el Producto

Three reasons to choose the Better2Know Hepatitis Screen:

  • You have a particular concern about Hepatitis
  • You are worried about your liver function
  • You want fast, accurate, and confidential results

There are many different types of Hepatitis. This screen will detect the three most common types.

What does the Hepatitis Screen test for?

The screen will test you for:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C

What will happen at my appointment?

Your personal clinician will collect a blood sample for this screen. There are no painful swabs or special fasting requirements associated with this particular screen. You can include additional STI tests with this screen if you would like to, just ask the booking team or choose the tests you want online. If you have had a risky sexual encounter, we suggest that you consider testing for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhoea.

How will I get my results?

All Better2Know results are reported using our secure, online reporting system. You can log in and check your results at any time. We will also send you a notification when they are all ready. If you would prefer, we can also call you with your results.

What if my results reveal that I have an STI?

If you test positive for Hepatitis A, B, or C, we will help you. Hepatitis infections can cause different people to react in different ways. The treatment that may be offered to you may vary from that of someone else with Hepatitis. That is why if you do test positive, we will refer you to a specialist. Your specialist who will be able to assist you moving forward.

How do I book?

Our friendly booking team is available now to take your call and arrange your appointment. You can also book securely online by clicking on Get Started.