Platina szűrővizsgálat

Klinikai teszt

149000 Ft

A legátfogóbb STI-tesztünk. Teszteljen 11 különböző nemi úton terjedő fertőzésre.

Inkubációs időszak:
28 Days
Gyűjtési módszer(ek):
Vérvizsgálat, Vizeletvizsgálat
A teszt átfutási ideje:


circle e-rightChlamydia
circle e-rightGardnerella
circle e-rightGonorrhoea
circle e-rightHepatitisz B
circle e-rightHepatitisz C
circle e-rightHerpesz 1
circle e-rightHerpesz 2
circle e-rightHIV
circle e-rightMycoplasma
circle e-rightSzifilisz
circle e-rightTrichomonas
circle e-rightUreaplasma
microscope Vizsgálatainkat akkreditált laboratóriumokban végezzük.
privacy Személyes adatait biztonságosan és védetten kezeljük.
usersKiváló betegellátó csapatunk támogatja Önt, amely a nap 24 órájában rendelkezésre áll.
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Hívja a 06 80 016 222

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Three reasons to choose the Better2Know Platinum Screen:

  • The most comprehensive STI screen available
  • Available from 28 days after any incident you are concerned about
  • Fast results reported 24/7 to your secure, online patient area

The PlatinumScreen is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to obtain a complete picture of their sexual health status. Testing for 11 infections, the Platinum Screen aims to relieve concerns about a wide range of infections.

What does the Platinum Screen test for?

Our Platinum Screen tests for:

  • HIV I/II and the p24 antigen
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Syphilis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Herpes I/II
  • Mycoplasma
  • Trichomonas
  • Urine Analysis: Microscopy and Culture

This is our most comprehensive test for the most common and most important STIs. We will also look at your urine to see if there any infections that may cause common discomfort symptoms.

What will happen at my appointment?

Your private clinician will collect the blood and urine samples required. No uncomfortable or embarrassing swabs are necessary and there are no fasting or dietary requirements. We advise that you do not use the bathroom for two hours before your appointment to ensure you can produce a urine sample.

How will I get my results?

Your results will be uploaded onto your secure patient area as soon as they become available. You can log in to check their progress at any time. We will also contact you directly by a method of your choice once they are all ready to report.

What if my results reveal that I have an STI?

If you test positive for any of the infections included in the Better2Know Platinum Screen, we are here to help you. Our trained Sexual Health Advisors will provide support you and arrange a doctor's consultation for you. Most STIs are curable and our dedicated staff will help you get the prescription for the required medication for a full recovery. Your Better2Know doctor will also refer you to a specialist service if needed.

How do I book?

To book your Platinum Screen today, simply select the Get Started button and follow the instructions. Alternatively, please contact Better2Know's Patient Services team on the number displayed at the top of this page.

Még mindig vannak kérdései?

Semmi gond! Ez egy összetett téma, és a legtöbb ember nem ismeri. Íme egy lista a leggyakoribb kérdésekről, amelyeket olyan emberek tesznek fel nekünk, mint Ön. Ha nem találja a keresett válaszokat, akkor látogasson el az erre a célra fenntartott GYIK részlegünkre

Közvetlenül is felveheti velünk a kapcsolatot - készséggel állunk rendelkezésére, hogy segítsünk.

Hívjon minket a 06 80 016 222