Male Hormone Test

Find out more about your hormones and if they are functioning properly.

How do I know if I need a male hormone test?

Our male hormone test is suitable if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Fatigue

  • Hair loss

  • Low sex drive

  • Cognitive decline

  • Depression

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Memory loss

How can male hormones be tested?

You will be asked to provide a blood sample which will be collected by a nurse or healthcare professional. Once we have your sample it will be sent to our accredited laboratory for fast and accurate analysis.

What tests will be run on my sample?

Our test will assess the following:

  • Luteinising Hormone (LH). This stimulates testosterone production

  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). This is important for sperm production

  • Free Androgen Index (FAI). A calculation which determines the amount of testosterone which is free in the bloodstream to give a more accurate indication of testosterone status

  • Prolactin. A hormone which is important in reproductive health

  • Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). A protein which carries hormones through the blood and controls the amount of testosterone body tissues use

How will I receive my test results?

Your confidential results from your male hormone test will be ready after one day of your sample's arrival at our accredited laboratory. You can access your results at any time by logging into your secure patient area on our website. A member of our Patient Services team will notify you when your results are ready.

What should I do if my results reveal abnormal hormone levels?

You should speak to a doctor about your results if they reveal abnormal levels. Medication can be prescribed, and you may be recommended further tests to ensure the success of treatment. Better2Know can arrange private consultations at locations around the country with our network of skilled doctors. You can also take your results to your own GP if you would prefer.

How can I book my test?

To book your male hormone test, please call Better2Know on the number above. A member of our dedicated Patient Services team will help you to process your booking and answer any of your questions.

Better2Know offers a large range of health tests and screens across the country. For your convenience, our welcoming and experienced team are available 24/7.

microscope Our testing is conducted at accredited laboratories.
privacy Your personal data is treated safely and securely.
usersYou are supported by our excellent patient care team, available 24/7.
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