What is PLAC?
PLAC is a shortened name for lipoprotein (combination of fat and protein) enzyme Lp-PLA2 and it is an enzyme found in blood. High levels of PLAC are closely associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke. PLAC levels are an indicator of active cardiovascular disease. PLAC is transported in the blood to fatty cholesterol deposits, known as plaques, which line the walls of coronary arteries and contribute to an inflammatory response. Inflammation increases the risk of plaque rupture, and the fractured plaque can cause a blockage of the coronary arteries (heart attack) or blood vessels within the brain (stroke).
PLAC is a highly specific marker for inflammation in the coronary artery inflammation and can therefore provide a very useful insight into your cardiovascular health.
Why should I consider a PLAC test?
A PLAC test is useful if you are worried about your cardiovascular health, or if you have medical risk factors such as:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Family history
It is also useful if you have lifestyle risks including:
- Smoking
- Being physically inactive
- Unhealthy diet (high in fat and sugar)
- Drink more than the recommended number of alcohol units
A PLAC test could be your first step in taking control over your health.
How will I receive my test results?
Results will be ready after two working days from when your blood sample is received by the laboratory. Results are extremely accurate and 100% confidential. As soon as they become available, a member of our Patient Services team will contact you to discuss the results. You can if you prefer, access your results directly and securely via the confidential patient login area of our website.
What should I do with my results?
Understandably an elevated PLAC result is worrying, but you can do something about it. Knowing there is active cardiovascular disease can help to motivate you to discuss with a doctor lifestyle changes and possible medications to lower your cholesterol. Lipid-lowering agents such as statins can reduce cardiovascular events.
Better2Know has a network of skilled doctors situated throughout the country. We can arrange a private consultation either before your confidential blood test or after you receive your results.
How can I book my test?
To book your Cardiovascular PLAC test, call us on the number above. Better2Know's expert advisors from our Patient Services team will be available 24/7 to answer any additional questions or queries.