Clinics in Hunedoara

We know that having an STI test and waiting for STI test results can be very stressful. That is why Better2Know has the fastest test results times in Hunedoara. You can check your results online whenever you like in your secure patient area.
Select a clinic to choose your tests and book an appointment online
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Where can I get tested for STIs in Hunedoara?
Better2Know can help you to get tested in Hunedoara for all intimate infections and venereal diseases. Our clinics are in convenient locations and are open at times which work for you. Our STI Testing clinics have early mornings, late nights and weekend opening times for you to get tested.
You can search for the sexual health clinic in Hunedoara near you using the map. You can book your appointment online by clicking “select” on the clinic you want to book or by calling our team 24/7 on the number above.
Can I get an STI if my partner and I did not have sex?
You can still get an STI even if you do not have full sexual intercourse. While having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex will put you at higher risk of contracting or spreading an STI, some infections can also be spread in other ways.
The Herpes Simplex Virus, Syphilis, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as coming into contact with a sore, wart, or skin blemish. Other STIs, like HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, can be spread through any blood-to-blood contact. This includes needle stick injuries, using unsterilised equipment, or sharing needles.
If you are concerned about a sexual encounter, whether or not you used protection, you should get an STI test. You can use our online chat to speak to one of our advisors or book online now.
Gonorrhoea tests in Hunedoara
Gonorrhoea is one of the most common STIs in Hunedoara. It can cause considerable damage to your health and fertility if it is not detected and treated quickly. Gonorrhoea can be passed on by vaginal, oral and/ or anal sex.
The Gonorrhoea test at our Better2Know sexual health clinic in Hunedoara is a simple, urine test used to detect the presence of the infection in your genitals, or a self-collected swab of your mouth/ throat or anus.
HIV testing in Hunedoara
If you are worried that you may have HIV, the only way to know for sure is to get tested. Better2Know offers HIV testing at all its sexual health clinics in Hunedoara. All we need is a blood sample, and we will get you your results quickly and confidentially, we do not need your real name. All HIV tests are run in our up-to-date laboratories.
Book your HIV test in Hunedoara online now by selecting the best clinic for you on the map above. If you need help, please call our sexual health advisors who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
When should I get tested for an STI in Hunedoara?
All Venereal Diseases have an incubation period. This is the time it takes for an infection to be detectable in your body from the time that you might have caught it.
If you are worried about a specific incident in Hunedoara, then the incubation period varies between 10 and 28 days depending on the infection and test method. You can book your STI Test appointment in advance. Please choose a date on or after the incubation period.
If you are having a regular check-up, then the incubation period is less important. Your results will be accurate for partners up to and before the incubation period of your tests or screens.
If you think you may have been exposed to an STI, or you have any symptoms, you should get tested.
Why should I get tested and treated for an STI?
If you live in Hunedoara and are concerned about your sexual health, the only way to know if you have an STI is to get tested. You should get tested as soon as possible at the sexual health clinic nearest you.
Most STIs are curable with medication, while others can be managed with ongoing treatment. Early detection and treatment can help prevent long-term health consequences for you and your future partners. This is why regular testing is important to prevent STIs from doing lasting damage.
Call the number at the top of this page, and the Better2Know 24/7 Patient Services team can help you to book your appointment in Hunedoara today.
Need some help with your Hunedoara STI test?
Your patient services team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call us on the number above to book your appointment or to ask any questions.
If you are ready to book now, please click ‘Select’ on our clinic nearest you in Hunedoara on the map above.