Three reasons to choose the Better2Know Zika test
If you are worried you may have been exposed to and caught Zika over 14 days ago
Pregnant women or men and women trying for a baby should try to avoid having Zika
This ZIka test provides fast results to your Zika concerns if you are trying for a baby
Who is the Zika blood test for?
This test is designed for anyone who thinks they may have been bitten by an Aedes Aegypti Mosquito more than 2 weeks ago.
How do I schedule my appointment?
To secure your appointment, simply click on the ”Book Your Appointment” button at the top of the page. If you have any questions about Zika, please call our booking team on the number above.
What can I expect at my appointment?
Your friendly clinician will collect your blood sample.
What happens to my sample?
Your sample will be sent to our laboratory for fast and accurate analysis.
How will I receive my test results?
Your test results will be uploaded to your secure online Patient Area as soon as they are back from the laboratory and have been reviewed by the Better2Know medical team. We will send you an email or SMS as soon as they are ready.
What if I test positive?
If your test indicates a positive result, please do not try to get pregnant or get your partner pregnant. We will arrange a consultation with a doctor to provide you with advice and support.